MMA retail stores open in Las Vegas
Mixed martial arts (MMA) is gaining in popularity. Whether it’s watching two cage fighters in the Ultimate Fighting Championships rolling around on the mat like Ace and Gary (the Ambiguously Gay Duo from Saturday Night Live) or witnessing the absurd spectacle of fake wrestling, there is never an audience shortage. And where bloodthirsty fans exist so does the potential for retail sales, which is why two stores dedicated to MMA apparel have opened. The Fight Museum at Mandalay Bay offers trendy brands such as Xtreme, Couture, TapouT, Silver Star Clothing and Hitman Fight Gear. Items signed by famous fighter’s are for sale as well, though no specific names were mentioned in the press release. The hours of operation are from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday-Thursday and 10 a.m.-midnight Friday and Saturday. The LX Fight Shop sells attire as well as DVDs, energy drinks, diet supplements and books, though I don’t imagine you’ll find Bronte or Pasternak sitting on the shelves. The hours of operation are 10 a.m.-10 p.m. daily.