Sharks, stingrays and eels, oh my!

3400 S. Las Vegas Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Cost: FREE!
Whether you are checking-in, checking-out or simply strolling through Mirage's hotel lobby, it is impossible not to notice this beautiful eye-catching attraction. The Mirage Hotel and Casino has a 20,000-gallon saltwater aquarium in its hotel lobby located just behind the front desk. Seemingly impossibly large, the size of this tank stretches an unbelievable 53 feet long, eight feet from top to bottom and six feet front to back. That's about the length of 1 ½ city buses!
Similar to what you may imagine seeing at Australia's Great Barrier Reef, this tranquil aquarium is home to nearly 1000 specimens. The exotic water life are from around the globe including the Caribbean, Fiji, Hawaii, the Marshall Islands, Tonga, the Sea of Cortes, the Red Sea and Australia. This vibrant scene is teeming with sea life of all shapes, sizes and colors. Some of the species include sharks, puffer fish, eels, stingrays and other extraordinary creatures. The variety of fish and species were specially selected for their adaptability to this environment, as well as the ability to live and swim together in harmony.
This is a fabulous, free, family-friendly attraction. Enjoy the fish and learn at the same time, what a wonderful combination.